How to get Better at the Things You Care About – TEDX

Summary of How to get better about the things you care about.

Working hard but not improving? You’re not alone. Eduardo Briceño reveals a simple way to think about getting better at the things you do, whether that’s work, parenting, or creative hobbies. In his TED Talk, he shares practical techniques that help you keep learning and always feel like you’re moving forward. It’s a talk that challenges the idea that hard work alone is enough and instead focuses on how we can be more intentional in our approach to growth and improvement.

Why I Recommend "How to Get Better at the Things You Care About"

This talk really resonated with me, especially the distinction Briceño makes between the learning zone and the performance zone. It’s such a simple yet profound concept that can shift how we approach our goals. Too often, we get stuck in the performance zone, trying to maintain a certain standard without allowing ourselves the space to experiment, fail, and ultimately grow.

In my coaching, I see how crucial it is for clients to understand this balance. We need to give ourselves permission to step into the learning zone, to try new things without the fear of immediate judgement. This is where real growth happens, both personally and professionally. Briceño’s talk is a great reminder that progress isn’t about constant performance; it’s about dedicating time to learning and improvement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the Learning Zone vs. Performance Zone: Briceño explains that the learning zone is where we focus on improvement, experimenting and embracing mistakes as part of the growth process. The performance zone, on the other hand, is where we execute and showcase our current abilities. Knowing when to operate in each zone is key to ongoing development.

  • Create Space for Growth: It’s essential to carve out time for the learning zone in your daily life. Whether it’s through deliberate practice, seeking feedback, or trying new approaches, this is where you lay the groundwork for future success.

  • Embrace Failure as Part of Learning: One of the most important aspects of the learning zone is the acceptance of failure. Instead of avoiding mistakes, Briceño encourages us to view them as valuable learning opportunities that propel us forward.

  • Apply This in All Areas of Life: The principles Briceño discusses aren’t just for work; they apply to all areas of life. Whether you’re looking to improve in a hobby, a relationship, or your career, understanding how to effectively use the learning and performance zones will help you make meaningful progress.

I’m sharing this talk because I believe it’s a game-changer in how we think about self-improvement. It’s a refreshing take on growth that encourages us to be kinder to ourselves while still pushing forward. If you’re serious about getting better at the things you care about, this talk is definitely worth your time.