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Bristol’s Business Coach - James’ recommendations.

“Over the years, I’ve enjoyed diving in deep to better further understand the world we live in and how complex it is, the business we strive to succeed in and how challenging it can be, and who I am and how I wish to show up.

As I continue to research and study and learn more, I’m forever reminded of my desire to live an awakened life.

Welcome to my page of recommendations – be it a podcast, a book, a Ted talk, or a short article…

I’m hoping these pique your interest as much as they have mine over the years.

Let me know your thoughts on any of the below – would love to hear from you!

Equally, if you have anything that has inspired you or helped you along the way, then please share! 🙂 ”

– James

Half body shot of James O'Halloran smiling at the camera

Recent Recommendations

A man standing on stage conducting a Ted X talk with the words 'TED x UW' in the background
Why You Will Fail To Have A Great Career - TEDX
A woman standing on stage conducting a Ted X talk with a screen in the background displaying the words 'The morning of the stroke'
Stroke of Insight - TEDX
A man standing on stage conducting a Ted X talk with the words 'TEDx Manhattan Beach' in the background
How to get Better at the Things You Care About - TEDX
A wooden cabin with a hot tub in the foreground covered in snow
The Complete Guide to the Science of Circadian Rhythms
Portrait of Viktor E Frankl with a quote 'When we are no longer able to CHANGE a situation, we are CHALLENGED to change OURSELVES'
Man’s Search For Meaning: The Classic Tribute to Hope from the Holocaust | Viktor E. Frankl
A spiritual style face
Understanding the 3 States of Consciousness: 3D, 4D, and 5D
A woman standing on stage conducting a Ted X talk with the words 'TedX Antwerp' in big letters behind her
Echoes from the Cosmos | Katrien Kolenberg | TEDX​
Promotional image of Dr Gabor Mate with the words 'Trauma, Addiction & Ayahuasca'
Dr. Gabor Maté Interview with Tim Ferriss